The Girl Who Spun Gold by Virginia Hamilton (illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon)

Jun 17, 2015 10:36

Book 22 for my project! How is everyone else getting on?

This is one of the few times so far that I have doubled up on one author. I had previously read Her Stories by Virginia Hamilton, which was also illustrated by the talented husband and wife team of Leo and Diane Dillon. (Here's their take on the strange little spirit who in the European tradition is called Rumplestiltskin.)

I recently realized that Virginia Hamilton was also the author of Justice and Her Brothers, a sf/f novel I enjoyed as a young adult. I'm planning to reread that one and find out how it looks through the lens of adulthood, which should bring my total up to three for Virginia Hamilton!

Read more about my impressions of The Girl Who Spun Goldhere.

women writers, children's books, african-american

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