Bindi Babes, Bollywood Babes

Jun 12, 2009 20:07

54. Narinder Dhami, Bindi Babes.

Sassy, chicklit-style YA about a very close trio of sisters, Geena, Amber, and Jazz. In many ways this is a classic "war against the governess" story, except in this case, the "governess" is their aunt, newly arrived from India. In the classic tradition of these stories, the aunt is firm but loving, and always one step ahead of the girls. If you enjoy the maneuver and countermaneuver machinations of this sub-genre (I do), this is well-executed.

I do wish Dhami would put more description in -- I'm two books into the series, and I still can't figure out if two of the major characters are Desi or not. (I freely admit that more knowledgeable readers than myself may find it perfectly obvious.) The subplot about Kim, I'm sad to say, made me FREAKIN' INSANE. Even before you know where that subplot is going (it goes exactly where you think it's going, but I will be good and pretend that it can be spoiled), the sisters are shown bullying Kim in that horrible "we're popular, we can do anything we want" style. But once you realize where that subplot is going? ARGH ARGH ARGH. 'Twas very difficult for me to remember that I'm supposed to find the sisters sympathetic.

Fortunately, I like the aunt a lot, I find her hugely sympathetic, and I trust her to knock some sense into these girls' heads. Eventually.

55. Narinder Dhami, Bollywood Babes.

I don't have much to say about this one, as I thought it was a weaker than the first. This time, the girls bring in a destitute Bollywood star for their in-house adversary. Again, I find the aunt far more sympathetic and interesting than the girls -- Auntie has the manners and compassion not to use the movie star's poverty against her, but Auntie is also genuinely frustrated about having an imperious houseguest who takes full advantage of Auntie's good manners. As with the first book, I find the girls too callously self-centered to be very sympathetic.

The third book's conflict is supposed to be between the aunt and her aunt, so I'll likely be having a go. Also, there's supposed to be about the maybe-future-boyfriends who until now have been lurking around the edge of the story. I suppose it's a bad sign that I'm reading these for the secondary characters and not so much the primary ones, but eh. They're fun (except when they make me go ARGH), and they're a fast-paced read.

(delicious), united kingdom, young adult, punjabi-british

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