(no subject)

Aug 03, 2008 13:53

Book #82 -- Charles de Lint, What the Mouse Found and Other Stories, 64 pages.

A cute little collection of early chapbooks. Much of the work is derivative, but it's nice to see him slowly finding his voice. By the last story, we start to see something of the writer he will become, and it's like discovering his work all over again.

Book #83 -- Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash, 470 pages.

How did I not read this before? It's brilliant! And to think he wrote it in '94. So many things I recognise in the story that exist now, but didn't 15 years ago. I'm impressed.

Progress toward goals: 216/366 = 59.0%

Books: 83/150 = 55.3%

Pages: 22586/50000 = 45.2%

2008 Book List

cross-posted to 150000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

kidlit, fantasy, short stories, sci-fi, cyberpunk, fiction

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