Books 3 & 4

Jun 13, 2008 15:27

Book 3

Title: Go Ask Alice
Author: Anonymous
Pages: 224
Genre: Nonfiction teen journal

I was digging through one of the boxes of books I moved with me out to NY and found my old copy of Go Ask Alice. I held it, remembering when one of my best friends had lent it to me back when I was 15. Becky never got her book back since I developed a soft spot in my heart for it. Nostalgia finished, I left the box half unpacked and pranced off to the living room book in hand.

Go Ask Alice was always a quick read for me, never taking more than a couple hours. Its the journal of a young teenage girl whole falls into a downward spiral of drugs that causes her to run away from her middle-class family and try to live on her own with a friend. Many things happen to her, but she always tries to keep writing in her diary. I cannot and will not spoil the ending, but the first many times I read it I cried.

To this day, I find, the book still makes my heart ache. I think of the things she could have done different or things her family and friends could have done different. I also know first hand that some of the worst, most vile people can be some of societies favorites. This book reminds me to take care of myself and to try and do my best to help those around me. I know that not everyone involved in drugs are like the people portrayed in this book, but it reminds me of teenagers I knew who were.

I hope that everyone reads this book atleast once in their life.

Book 4

Title: The Vampire Shrink
Author: Lynda Hilburn
Pages: 350
Genre: Paranormal Fiction (I think that's what vampire books are classified as nowadays)

I picked this book up the day it came out last year. It was a recommendation by the author herself and I absolutely adored it. Enough to reread it yesterday. (Oh and if you're keeping up on my book reviews I truly do read that much in short spans of time.)

The story is about Kismet Knight, a psychologist who gets a new patient, a girl who truly believes she has worked her way into a vampire coven and is trying to become a vampire. This new patient is the spark of a whirlwind of changes in her life that dump her neck deep into a society she never knew existed: the world of the paranormal. A summary attempting to lack spoilers.

I find the book quite well written and am a large fan of vampire novels to begin with. I recommend avoiding this book if you like your fiction entirely love and romance free. Some of the characters could be better developed, but the main ones are well fleshed out. It vaguely reminds me of Laurell K. Hamilton's books but not in a way that made me think The Vampire Shrink was any less original because of it.

A recommended read especially if you like your fiction boys sexy. Oh, and the author is one of the nicest authors I've ever talked to. She'll answer any questions you have even if you message her on myspace.
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