
Dec 20, 2007 20:49

6) December 17, 2007
The Demolished Man ~ Alfred Bester
If you've ever seen the show Babylon 5, you'll be familiar with a lot of the concepts in this book. Straczynski took whole chunks of Bester's ideas, said "Yoink!" and then named one of his characters after the author as tribute. This isn't a bad thing. The Demolished Man is the story of a society in which crime is virtually nonexistant thanks to a small but signifigant percentage of the population being telpathic. There hasn't been a sucessful murder in decades. The story follows Ben Reich, a CEO of a large company who decides to murder his biggest rival and Lincoln Powell, the telepath cop who is trying to track him down. I wished the book had ended differently, but that didn't affect my enjoyment of it, things can't always happen the way I want them to.

7) December 20, 2007
Jane Eyre ~ Charlotte Brontë
Somehow I've managed to avoid reading this my entire life. I decided it was time to get down to reading it despite the fact that I knew the story already. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Not that I expected to hate it or anything. I really enjoyed a lot of the subtext to the story and really was rooting for Jane the whole time.
Funny side note: I was rather amused when Jane was hiding under an assumed name after leaving Rochester since the name she used, “Jane Elliott” is my middle and last names together.

1) December 5, 2007
Moving Pictures ~ Terry Pratchett
2) December 5, 2007
Reserved for the Cat ~ Mercedes Lackey
3) December 7, 2007
The Wall ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
4) December 11, 2007
After the Banquet ~ Yukio Mishima
5) December 13, 2007
Trickster's Choice ~ Tamora Pierce (REREAD)
6) December 17, 2007
The Demolished Man ~ Alfred Bester
7) December 20, 2007
Jane Eyre ~ Charlotte Brontë

literary, sci-fi

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