Book #22: Water Angels by Mons Kallentoft

Apr 23, 2023 19:37

Water Angels by Mons Kallentoft

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the sixth novel in the Malin Fors series, and after the closure of the Maria Murvall story I was expecting a few new plot arcs to open. There is a villain who I suspect will end up as a recurring character, but I will need to read the subsequent books to find out.

At the start of the book, a couple is found gunned to death in their jacuzzi, and their daughter is missing. It becomes increasingly apparent that the death may be related to the fact that their daughter was adopted from the far east. There is also speculation caused by the fact that the foster father worked for a munitions factory.

This ended up as one of the best books in the series for me, with Malin having apparently put her alcohol addiction behind her. A few plot points in the book felt very clearly signposted, including the fact that one of the other characters was raising an adopted daughter.

As well as the main case, the book explores Malin's relationships with other characters, including her lover, Peter, and daughter Tove, the latter of which seems to be becoming quite strained. Near the start, Malin rejects a phone call from Tove and claims that her dentist was calling her. Later on, there seemed to be a hint that Tove is developing Malin's alcohol problems, as she arrives at the house drunk at one point.

I enjoyed the book's action-packed finale a lot, and I can't wait to see how the story develops in later titles.

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crime fiction, parenting, drama, thriller, murder mystery, foreign language, suspense, mystery, gritty, translation

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