Book 31

Apr 06, 2022 18:07

XO by Jeffery Deaver

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I knew Kathryn Dance from the Lincoln Rhyme books but this was the first I had of her alone thanks to the library cycling out a bunch of their books on cd. I have to admit this was pretty forgettable. In the week it took me to find time for this review I've forgotten much of it.

Dance is on vacation from her kinesthetics profiling job with the CBI and apparently she has a website detailing indie music and she's in Fresno listening to Mexican migrant music. She's also buddies with Kayleigh Towne, an up and coming country star, daughter of a huge country star. Kayleigh has picked up an uber fan turned stalker Edwin Sharp who knows every thing she does and finds her new emails/phone number etc within an hour of her getting them and now he's in Fresno to hear her hometown concert and is convinced they're in a relationship.

Edwin is smart though. He has done nothing to suggest he's dangerous so it doesn't fall into the stalking laws that would allow him to be arrested. And then Kayleigh's friends are being killed with her song Your Shadow being played to alert everyone to the crime.

This went on way. too. long. It needed edited down in the worst way especially since it contains more than one twist. It's too clever for its own good and it barely held my interest.

One thing that really rankled is at one point everyone seems to forget what Edwin has done up to this point and Kayleigh treats him like any other fan. I'm sorry if someone was popping up outside my private home and I think he's masturbating to my music while watching me I don't care if he has an alibi for a crime. I still don't want this dude near me.

Would I get another? From the library maybe. I don't see me running to a book vendor for one though.

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