Book #18: How Can I be Right with God? by R. C. Sproul

Mar 24, 2021 18:18

How Can I Be Right with God? by R.C. Sproul

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another fantastic read from R.C. Sproul, this time all about the notion of God's grace, and how none of us is without sin, which is why we needed Jesus to die on the cross for us. The book uses Acts 16: 30-31, when the Phillipan jailer asks Paul what he has to do in order to be right with God.

I loved how simplistic some of the illustrations that R.C. Sproul left in this book, one of which involved drawing circles to represent God, Jesus and humankind, and adding blemishes to indicate the level of sin in each one. The circles representing God and Jesus would remain spotless, because They are without sin, but the circle representing us would be entirely filled in.

It's good to be reminded that none of us is perfect, particularly as I often struggle with guilt about things I have done, and am tempted feel that I'm the only one who isn't perfect.

The book concludes with a quote from Hebrews 10 (vv19-22) about how Jesus is our Great High Priest and intercessor, a good book to be reminded of, particularly as I'm studying it right now.

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christian, scholarly, spiritual reading, essays, non-fiction

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