Book 10 - 2018

Jan 21, 2020 22:13

Book 10: Theories of International Politics and Zombies: Revived Edition by Daniel W. Drezner - 191 pages

Description from
What would happen to international politics if the dead rose from the grave and started to eat the living? Daniel Drezner's groundbreaking book answers the question that other international relations scholars have been too scared to ask. Addressing timely issues with analytical bite, Drezner looks at how well-known theories from international relations might be applied to a war with zombies. Exploring the plots of popular zombie films, songs, and books, Theories of International Politics and Zombies predicts realistic scenarios for the political stage in the face of a zombie threat and considers how valid--or how rotten--such scenarios might be. This newly revived edition includes substantial updates throughout as well as a new epilogue assessing the role of the zombie analogy in the public sphere.

In an International Relations Theory class a year and a half ago, my lecturer mentioned this book, probably because myself and my friends kept suggesting aliens as a solutions to all IR related problems. Being of the nerd persuasion, I immediately went out and purchased the book, though its been sitting on my pile for sometime since. In the middle of reading a much longer book on network theory, I decided to pick this book up to break up my reading. It's a nice, fun, quick read, that introduces readers to the key IR theories in a fun way. As I've already got a pretty good grounding in IR theory (I topped that IR theory class - haha!), I found it really easy to read - not coming at it as a newcomer, I can't say whether the book is deserving of the recommendations it gets to new students. As for its application of theory, I think its relatively sound. I don't agree with all of it to the letter, but the core is there, and though I would have preferred Drezner explained more of the critical theory part of the book (I personally would have gone with the racial aspect of critical theory than feminism, but to each his own), ultimately, I think it had good coverage. It's a silly fun book, that I probably won't quote in any assignments, but will recommend to anyone who shows a passing interest in IR theory.

10 / 50 books. 20% done!

2966 / 15000 pages. 20% done!

Currently reading:
- Journey to the West by Cheng-En Wu - 673 pages
- The Square and the Tower: Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power by Niall Ferguson - 536 pages
- Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich - 308 pages

And coming up:
- The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: Volume 3: White Gold Wielder by Stephen Donaldson - 500 pages
- The Odyssey by Homer - 324 pages
- The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers - 402 pages

academic, politics, zombies, comedy

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