Book 14

Feb 06, 2017 11:57

The Big Book of West Virginia Ghost Stories by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I see the author every year at the Mothman Festival and I was exciting to see this one on her sales table. It's a nice fat book on haunted areas around the state of West Virginia. One of the things I really like about most of Ms Guiley's books is the amount of research that goes into them. This one was broken up into various areas (Harper's Ferry, Charleston, Huntington etc) and not only do you get details on the hauntings, she gives a mini history lesson with most of them. She also designates them as hauntings that have been investigated vs urban legend (and draws parallels to well known legends such as all the haunted hitchhiker ones) and also lists if they are on public (most of them) or private property.

If you're looking for a guide for your own ghost hunting in West Virginia, this would be a handy book to have. It's well written and fun.

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ghosts, non-fiction

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