Nov 17, 2015 12:43
book 151: Walt Disney's Fantasyland by Walt Disney Productions
This is one of four books in a collection of Walt Disney versions of stories that represent the four kingdoms (I suspect the set was purchased when my parents took me to Disneyworld when I was a single digit.), this one Fantasyland. It has simplified tellings of stories like Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Dumbo. It also has stories that I don't know if were made into film or not (I haven't seen them, anyway.), like The Ugly Duckling and The Three Little Pigs. I "heard" music when I read most of them, so I suspect they were all created in some media form, whether film or record or whatever. My favorite out of this collection is Sleeping Beauty, but more from memories of the film than from the abbreviated text given. As expected from anything Disney, the illustrations are nice, whether they are from the films or original productions for the book.
fairy tales