2: Life During Wartime

Oct 17, 2015 21:52

Originally posted by audrey_e at Book 2: Life During Wartime
2 LIFE DURING WARTIME Lucius Shepard (US, 1986)

Soldier David Mingolla is stuck in the Guatemalan jungle, at the center of a complex war.

Like many other Sci-Fi novels of the 80s, Life during Wartime is inspired by the Vietnam War.
I thoroughly enjoyed Sheperd's writing, and from a stylistic point of view, the confusion in which he throws his reader. This is typically the kind of Sci-Fi I'm interested in, less concerned with technical details and world building, and more focused on human psychology.

Unfortumately, Shepard lost me early on in the novel, and I found myself keeping reading more for the style and the atmosphere, than the story I failed to understand. The complexities of the war simply proved too intricate for me.


war, sci-fi

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