Spring/Summer Reading

Jul 01, 2012 15:24

I bought a Kindle in April (yay) and needless to say I've caught up on TONS of reading, not to mention I've also checked out books from my local library and bought some at the Salvation Army. Here's my list so far for spring/summer reading:

The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch and Lee Chadeayne
Every Last Kiss (The Bloodstone Saga) by Courtney Cole
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Joyful Momma's Guide to Shopping & Cooking Frugally by Kimberly Eddy
Growing Up Amish by Ira Wagler
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells
Obama Zombies by Jason Mattera
I Am A Conservative by Kurt Schlichter

Right now I'm working on reading Mockingjay, the last book in The Hunger Games series, then I plan to move on to the Fifty Shades of Grey books. I'm also reading The Elizabethans by A.N. Wilson and Shakespeare for Dummies (because there's a handful of his plays I still haven't read) along with another comprehensive guide to "the Bard". I'll probably post again after I've finished those books.

literature, shakespeare, fiction, contemporary, drama, politics, cookbooks, non-fiction, food, memoir

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