Book #20: Safety in the Ceramics Studio

Apr 15, 2012 02:10

"Safety in the Ceramics Studio"
(how to handle ceramic materials safely)

By Jeff Zamek

Okay, you can't technically say I *READ* this book...

Because as I was skimming it in preparation to read it, I started to notice a trend...

This book is pretty much useless. Written in 2002, before many of the current labeling laws were put into effect, it really doesn't cover anything a person WITH a ceramics studio doesn't already know!!

Maybe, if you oh say, won the lottery, bought a ceramics studio, and were thinking, "Oh hey, I heard somewhere these places can be DANGEROUS... what kinds of things should one be careful of, in a ceramics studio..." THEN it might be useful.

It comes down to:

Fire is hot.

Dust is bad to breathe.

Stuff that is toxic is toxic.

Sharp edges are sharp.

Dangerous tools are dangerous.

Don't pile newspapers and magazines by the kiln vent.

Don't open the kiln and shove your face into it while it is at 2000 degrees.

You know... the stuff we ALREADY KNOW, if we have even read one label, or had an ounce of common sense.

It does have some fleeting, but terribly outdated, information about the toxicity levels of some materials, but really, you'd be better off googling it for newer, more accurate information.

Whatever you do, don't buy this book if you have even attended ONE Ceramics class... unless you REALLY didn't listen, it's not going to tell you anything at all.
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