Books 120 - 122 / 100

Nov 22, 2009 15:32

120. Ion - Euripides
A play about Ion, the founder of a kingdom in Greece (he's the namesake of 'ionic', as in, 'ionic columns'), when he was a young boy. He was given up by his mother, who was impregnated by Apollo, and spirited away by the god to be a temple servant in another land. The mother eventually finds him, but of course doesn't know it's him, since she thinks he's dead, and there are all sorts of mistaken identity mishaps, with this really bloodthirsty servant trying to convince the mother to kill everyone. There was actually some suspense, which was good.

121. The Tragedy of King Richard III - William Shakespeare
A play about Richard III, who took over England after his brother, Edward IV. died. He killed a lot of people along the way, including his brother, wife, uncles, in-laws, and the rightful heir to the throne, before Henry the VII stepped in, ending the War of the Roses. Pretty good, and as with all the history plays, it really increased my interest in English history.

122. We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families : Stories from Rwanda - Phillip Gourevitch
After the Rwandan genocide in 1994, Gourevitch began traveling there and interviewing people to see what really happened. This book has a lot of shocking first-person accounts of the genocide, as well as a lot of history which explains the ethnic discord. Really, an excellent and fascinating book, and I really feel like I learned a lot about both the genocide and Rwanda in general. Highly recommended.

drama, politics, history, shakespeare, non-fiction, classic

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