Beethoven's Hair

Jan 01, 2009 17:48

Book One for me this year is Beethoven's Hair: An Extraordinary Historical Odyssey and a Scientific Mystery Solved by Russell Martin.

It's the story of a lock of Ludwig von Beethoven's hair, cut from his head by his friend's student the day after Beethoven died. The book's chapters go back and forth between a biography of Beethoven and what happened to the hair in the 170-odd years between Beethoven's death and its purchase by two Beethoven enthusiasts in America.

Even within their own story lines, the dates tend to jump around a bit, so it's a bit difficult for me (I'm easily distracted) to follow, but each story is rich and a pleasure to read. This isn't the first time I've read Beethoven's Hair, nor will it be the last.

My master list is here. Next up: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. (If I can find it.)

history, music, non-fiction, biography

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