Dec 22, 2008 10:21
99. The Temple of My Familiar - Alice Walker
This book is sort of a continuation of The Color Purple, but only in that the characters are related to or connected to Celie in some way. Other than that, I found it to be pretty different.
I didn't like it as much, but it was still good. It seemed a lot more...theoretical, in a way, because the characters spents a lot of time thinking or talking about events, rather than living them. It was very much a book of story-telling. But the stories were all about living, history, oppression of blacks by whites, people by their government, and women by men. And about freedom, of course.
100. You Know You're In Rhode Island When ....101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, and Eats of the Ocean State - Ryder Windham
Just a little something to read for nostalgia's sake. I learned some things I didn't know, and laughed over some things that evoked memories. Parts were boring, because this book comes off as a guidebook, for those who aren't familiar with Rhode Island. So, recommended for those who might visit, cause it's got a good amount of attractions or curiosities listed.
african-american lit,