Title: Absolute Zero (#7 for
Pairing: Onesided Hughes/Roy
Rating: PG-13
Just so ya know, this is more or less true.
# 7 Absolute Zero
Maes couldn't take his eyes off the other man, not for all the world. He could get away with it because Roy was occupied at the stove, and there was no one else in the small apartment who could catch him staring. Roy just looked so peaceful and elegant and downright handsome, even if he was only stirring up lunch.
He was like a perfect piece of art, set there from on high for all to admire. The one thing in the room your eyes were drawn to every time you entered. The most expensive item in the collection, with its multitudinous warnings of "look but absolutely do not touch."
Maes wasn't only glad to have Roy as a friend, he was constantly, gleefully ecstatic for it. They were best friends to the end, and he knew he could always count on that, but it hurt him, too, that he could never have more. It hurt that he had to be so deeply in love with Roy. Love was supposed to be a happy thing, but whenever he thought of it, it made his breath sharp and his chest tight.
He wanted more than all the world to reach out past that protective display case and pull the other man close. And he was ashamed for not being content with what he had.
Because when Roy turned his way with a smile, just a glance to see that his guest was still alive, he was looking at a man who was his friend. Maes had to hide his worshipful stare with a goofy grin. He wouldn't let Roy catch him behaving any other way than just as a friend. Because his chance of having anything more was absolute zero.