Candy Coated Characters: Suou Tamaki and Hitachiin Kaoru
Prompt: 11 - Heart-shaped candy.
Rating: It is I...! SUPER G!
Summary: He wasn't jealous. He just wished he was the one giving the Prince the chocolate, and only wished that the other guests were far far away from the blond.
Author's Notes: Don't own, never will. ;~; I DON'T EVEN OWN THIS CHEESE, AGH SO MUCH CHEESE IN THIS FIC.
Bedazzled (1/?)
Characters: Suou Tamaki and Hitachiin Kaoru
Prompt: 12 - Gender Identity
Rating: TBA ; PG-ish I suppose? XD
Summary: There was this little dazzler he seemed to know, down the street. There 'she' was, unexpectedly coming to sweep him off his feet. ♥
Author's Notes: Don't own~. Also, it's...multichaptered. Well, going to be. Yep. XD;;; B-blame my Daddy dearest~.
Oh you lucky people, two for the price of one.