Title: The Monkey and the Crocodile, pt II
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Prompt: 4: Crisp
Friendship: Jamie McCrimmon and the Eleventh Doctor.
Summary: In which Eleven reunites with Jamie. Part 2 of 4.
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, and the story is!
Jamie leaned over this version of the Doctor, giving him a smile and a wave.
“We really must stop meeting like this,” the piper said, reaching a hand out to help him up.
Rory’s Doctor accepted it, getting to his feet.
“I don’t often meet people in the antechambers of ancient temples. It’s generally something I try to avoid,” he said, patting Jamie on the shoulder, and then turning away to inspect the room. “Right, then… What do we have here?”
Jamie blinked, surprised and slightly hurt by the lack of a warm greeting. He looked back to Rory.
“Wait for it,” Rory said, knowingly. “Sometimes, it takes him a while…”
“Secret stone antechamber,” Rory’s Doctor murmured. “Obvious door that leads nowhere… This is designed to keep people from escaping. But the fact that there don’t seem to be any bones down here means that people found their way out. So, in theory, that means we should…”
He trailed off, staring at nothing, as his eyes widened.
Rory just rolled his eyes as his Doctor practically threw himself across the chamber and caught Jamie in a tackle-hug.
“Jamie!” he exclaimed, practically bouncing on his heels. “Oh, look at you! Hair, eyes, nose, mouth… everything the way it should be!”
“Aye, and let’s let it stay that way this time,” Jamie said. “Good to know ye have nae forgotten what my face looks like again…”
Rory’s Doctor winced.
“…That was one time!"
“Och, it’s nae as though I din’ forgive ye,” Jamie said, grinning as he returned the Doctor’s hug.
Rory politely busied himself with staring at the carving of the monkey and the crocodile as Jamie and this Doctor began to chat.
“But if you’re here…” Rory’s Doctor said, after a moment. “Then where am I-the other me, I mean?”
“Still wandering aboot up there, I should think,” Jamie said. “No doubt trying to find a way to reach me that does nae involve falling down here, as well.”
“Yeah, about that-it’s not possible. I looked. So I came down here the only other way I could find.”
“But if you’re here,” Rory said, now looking back. “Where’s Amy?”
“Well, I didn’t want her falling down here with us; I told her to wait. In case we need someone to make a getaway to the TARDIS, she could go and use the emergency settings to pick us up.”
“Ye let some lassie pilot the TARDIS?” Jamie asked. “Ye only e’er let me pilot it once-and only because ye were trying to outdo yer third self, who taught me how to drive!”
“Is this really the time for this?” Rory finally asked. “Amy’s probably worried about us-and Jamie’s Doctor probably is, too.”
“Oh, I know he’s worried. I always worried over Jamie,” Rory’s Doctor said. “Not that I minded, you know. Having someone to worry about keeps you alive. Of course, you know all about that…”
Still holding onto Jamie’s arm, the Doctor led him over to where Rory was standing, beside the stone door.
“So this is the false door?” the Doctor asked, taking out his sonic screwdriver and aiming it all around the stone.
“Not so much a false door as one that leads nowhere,” Rory said. “It took me on a complete circle-right back here.”
The Doctor suddenly froze as the light from his screwdriver illuminated the carving of the monkey and the crocodile.
“Rory thought that ye’d know what that carving meant.”
“I do…” the Doctor said. “We’re not here by some slim chance. My TARDIS bought me here, just as my past self’s TARDIS brought us here.”
“Aye; I’ve been meeting all of yer other selves,” Jamie said. “I must have been destined to meet this one of ye, too.”
“That’s part of it,” Rory’s Doctor said. “But part of it is also this.”
“Someone brought us all here just to look at a carving of a monkey and a crocodile?” Jamie asked.
Jamie and Rory looked to each other, and Rory just shrugged helplessly.
“They want you-all of us-to learn a lesson from this story,” Rory’s Doctor said.
“It’s an old folk tale from multiple places on Earth-India, Thailand, Africa… Even variations of the story exist on other planets, with modifications to make it apply to the local wildlife, of course.”
“Let me see if I’ve got this. Someone wanted us to come here in order to see this carving and learn about an old folk tale?” Rory asked.
“Actually, it’s more for Jamie, but it’s for all of us, I suppose-meaning that we need to get Amy down here after all.” The Doctor dashed over to the stone chute. “Amy! Amy, can you hear me!?”
Rory’s Doctor quickly scrambled out of the way as Jamie’s Doctor tumbled from the chute instead.
“That’s not Amy,” Rory declared.
“I know,” his Doctor said, managing a grin again. “It’s me!”