Moved! After a lot, a lot of deliberation, I chose
chromesque. But thanks a lot anyway to everyone who gave me your opinion anyway because I really took quite some time to decide. @___@ Spent a good half of my afternoon doing stuff there, and the layout and mood theme I've been using here have been carried over! :D Profile has only a little, because I'm planning on a revamp of it instead. Rejoined some communities (not finished with this), too, although I decided to not rejoin quite a lot of them.
Here's a few things I decided about friending me over there, though, please take a few minutes to read :3
→ I know that I've posted close to nothing recently on football. So to those of you I've friended because of football, if you find that you have too many people on your f-list and you skip most of my rl entries anyway (which are pretty much what I post about lately), it's okay with me if you don't want to carry over. I know I babble a lot and I can be boring, so really, no hard feelings!
→ Speaking of the above point, it doesn't have to be football-specific either. It's really, really okay with me if you were thinking of, say, a friends cut anyway, or something.
→ So! I'm going to start off at
chromesque not adding anyone from over here yet. Comment here if you still want to be friended over there, though. Alternatively you could just add me. (: So long as I know you in real life and/or from here, I will definitely add you back. Also, this is the only time I'm doing this...? I promise no friends cuts or stuff like this anymore, it's just an option if you want to keep me around or not.
→ Finally, ♥ to you all! If you decide to keep me, I'll see you over at
chromesque :3 And if not, take care and all the best in life! :D