Jul 02, 2004 11:38
Your belly pillows my head, my ear pressed to your navel as to a shell. We're on the carpet, wet limbs splayed and cooling, mouths open, still as corpses. The afternoon trickles by.
"I could sleep - just like this," I murmur in the general direction of your head. In response you quake beneath me, beginning to rise. My head bobs and I whine piteously, "No….stop…..stay….."
Rearing up on your elbows, you shake your head to clear it of the last strands of sticky desire. "I have to work out. I have to start in on the damn sink. Sweetie - you know I need to get up."
"Nope," I say exaggeratedly, my lips forming the word into a blown kiss. Turning my head, I slide my tongue into your belly button, frenching it like a lipless mouth. More tremors, "Come on - you're tickling me!" I smile into your soft skin and blow a long wet raspberry.
Yelping, you sit up quickly, and suddenly I am the captive one.