
Sep 20, 2010 14:35

Goku can be quite friendly and outgoing, he gets along easily with people unless they are clearly on the offensive or have hurt his friends. He prefers to keep things simple as well, so if someone he trusts is fighting someone he will help his friend, even if in reality his friend is the "bad" one. He's no problem giving everyone a chance, no matter their gender, race, religion or whatever normally but he won't if there's conflict with a friend, he's not a negotiator or the voice of reason, that role suits Hakkai better. And sometimes it's just easier and faster to hit and then ask than try to talk it out.

Friendship: As stated Goku can get along with people easily, even if he fights constantly with someone it doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like them or consider them friends. He's used to Sanzo firing bullets at him or hitting him with a fan, and to Gojyo calling him monkey and insulting him so he has no problems with those things, so long as he can retaliate and it's not serious (really, it's easy to know when someone aims a gun to kill and when just to make the other shut up). Goku has no prejudices, you can belong to the most vicious race in the world and he will still give you a chance until he sees himself if you're good or not.

Romance: Goku has no experience with this. The closest thing he has was a starting crush on a youkai girl with whom he spend a few days and who kissed him before going to a battle that would kill her for sure, riding a carriage full of explosives. Goku isn't even sure what was going on between them both and had no time to explore and learn of it, so don't be surprised by him being awkward and confused about this. Specially if the advances are quite straightforward. Other than that, because of his inexperience and lack of practical knowledge, Goku has no preferences between men or women, one could say he leans towards girls but it's possible that that's more because "it's what's expected" than because of a personal preference. He won't bat away any advances though, just, be confused, and probably won't pursue anything himself without some encouragement from outer sources even if he were to fall head over heels with someone.

Affection, touching, bad touch: Goku's affectionate by default, but years of living with a monk whose idea of showing care is missing by just a little when he shoots at your head, has make him be less open to do affection displays. If anyone were to suddenly initiate it he would be mostly surprised, but would probably return it soon enough -unless it was a mortal enemy doing that but why would a mortal enemy do that to begin with??-. He may give hugs and such if treated well and he's happy, which isn't hard to attain if you feed him. Regarding touching and bad touching, the first will be met with blank stares and blinks and "whu?" expressions, the second... Will probably translate into flailing, blushing, some yelling demanding to know what they are doing and why and maybe a punch if they aren't careful.

Fighting: Sure! When do we start? Be it verbal fighting or physical one, Goku's cool with both, even with his friends. In fact Goku rarely fights out of hate or negative emotions, the only times he has done such a thing it was also fueled by him wanting to protect what's important to him. So even if he were to meet someone and fight right away there are chances that he himself wouldn't be personally crossed about the other, and even when fighting to protect or help someone else, chances are that he himself has no negative emotions. But don't think this means he can't hate someone, he can and will, there are just things that he can't just throw to the back and keep going on.

Killing: Goku's strong, very strong, specially if his golden diadem breaks which basically makes his strength supposed to be god-like. In fact he can even heal himself is his diadem breaks or he takes it off, no matter how bad the injuries are. In canon he survived an attack just because of this, any other person would have died right away. Because of this and due the mun's personal preference, any killing plot or action is preferred to be discussed beforehand and they will be considered in a case by case manner.

Threading/Comments: Because of my timezone and work I rarely coincide with most of the rpers in LJ, so I'm more than open to backtagging. Thread hopping is also fine with me by default, so if you want to do so consider me as a "yes" right away and just worry about the other mun involved. If by some reason I'm slow or seem to have dropped a thread don't be shy to give me a heads up, sometimes I work on a tag and forget to post it due several reasons or I just am under the impression that I tagged them already or simply didn't get a notification, give me a day or two and if I haven't reacted by then come and pull at my ear a bit to tag you.

Tagging format: I can work with actions and prose but personally I'll always lean towards action brackets. My way of writing those is closer to prose anyway. But feel free to tag me back in whatever style you prefer, I don't have a fixation for seeing a thread being only in prose or anything like that.

!permissions, !ooc

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