Apologies for the long wait before posting the next Challenge, if I'd have known things were going to go bonkers I'd have aranged for cover.
Today's phrase is also a concept many of you will probably be familiar with:
Post Secret As with the international art project the concept is to set a postcard size image with a secret on it. For our purposes that secret could be a personal one about the show, the fandom in general or (my favourite option) created as if it had been from a charecter on the show.
I know thats letting me in for a slew of slashy cards from the Master but I never said it had to be terribly original ;)
Of course it doesn't have to be on a postcard, and it doesn't have to be anonymous.
Should anyone wish to post an image in vague anonymity feel free to send it to me.
any questions or queries clicky the comments link
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princesskreahe Multiple Responses from