Well folks, its the big three - oh today bringing the challenges availible under that tag to 60 - thats more than a years worth and all still perfectly valid.
with no amount of shame whatsoever i hereby pronounce this weeks challenge to be:
take it anyway you wish as always.
Challenge Response from
princesskraehe Challenge Response from
kowarth Additional
When the classic Challenges reached the 30 mark the comm was busing enough to dispense with their services.
I don't intend to do the same but as of next week the Challenges will reach their third volume.
Between the 2 original sets of challenges some kind practical folks ran an Art Exchange.
I'd like to know if anyone would like to participate in another?
if we try to coincide with the end of the UK airing of Series 4 that gives us 7 weeks to get our act together.
Please use the comments for thoughts etc.