Title: Pikachu Two, Four, and Ten.
wulfaeRating: G
Fandom: Doctor Who, and Pokemon. Who would have thought those two would ever mix?
Characters: Two, Four, Ten, and Pikachu.
Disclaimer: Still don't own Doctor Who. Or Pokemon.
Notes: So some friends and I were picto-chatting, and it somehow turned Doctor Who themed. I didn't even mention it!! Annnnnyway, this picture was requested.
Using a Pikachu that was sitting on another friends desk for reference, I took a break from my cleanup. I really like how Two and Ten came out, not quite so keen on Four. First time I've drawn him, though, so I think it all works out. Next time, reference!
I want to ink and colour these, and then perhaps complete the set. Because you've gotta catch 'em all...
I wonder where the map place will put 'by my wacom'?