Taste of Timecock, Tenth Doctor/Master, manippage, NC-17, NSFW, crossposted to gagging point

Aug 28, 2007 01:34

O hai I'm on ur bandwagon...

...of "Photoshoppy Ways To Prove The Master Loves The Timecock", Grouse remix...

It's typical--the Master works perfectly and is seamless, and then I spend five hours trying to get the Doctor right. He's still not perfect, but better than a hell of a lot of my earlier attempts. I was practically screaming at him. "Oi, Tenninch! I'm trying to get you sucked off here! Please co-operate like a good bitch?" and he would just mope and refuse to tilt his read in the right way and then he refused to colour match. Bastard.

But in more in-character terms:

Doctor (worried): "Hang on. I thought there was a reason you called yourself the Master. Is this a part of some new dastardly plan of yours so you can take over the universe?"

Master (slut): "Slurp... timecock... haven't had any timecock in centuries... Lucy does me with a strap-on now and then but it just isn't the same... GLOMPFH..."

*goes back to do summoar*


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