Title: No Eyes Here- Chapter 1
Author/Artist: nmhotel21
Rating: NC- 18
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing/s: Grimmjow/Renji, Grimmjow/Ichigo, hints of Renji/Ichigo
Theme: Electrifying Sacrifice
Genre/s: Angst, Hurt-Comfort?
Warnings: Non-Con, Dub-Con, Blood, Violence
Words: 3850
Summary: Ichigo is losing badly to Grimmjow. When Renji shows up to help they might have a chance of surviving. But, for how long can they stand against the Espada?
Disclaimer/Claimer: I in no way, shape, or form own Bleach.
Note: Betaed by the awesome
bundamba and
bayrdsm. This is my first attempt at a multi-chaptered story, so any comments will be welcome
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