Title: As A Rock
Author: melodyic_rhyme
Rating: PG
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Ling, Lan Fan, Bradley, Gluttony
Theme: 46. Screaming silence.
Genre/s: Hurt, angst
Warnings: spoilers for chap 45/46
Words: 227
Summary: Even the sturdiest rocks can be fallen
Disclaimer/Claimer: Hagaren is owned completely and totally by Hiromu Arakawa. I own nothing, an no copyright infringement is intended
Notes: Written for prompt 91 at fma_fic_contest: Specific Page/Episode.
( If only life were always so kind. ) Title: Family Dinner
Author: melodyic_rhyme
Rating: G
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairings: EdWin, mentions of LingFan and AlMei
Theme: 483. When laughter's lost in peaceful silence.
Genre/s: Fluff
Warnings: Set long after the end of the series, so some spoilers.
Words: 250
Summary: it wasn't his idea to invite them!
Disclaimer/Claimer: Hagaren is owned completely and totally by Hiromu Arakawa. I own nothing, an no copyright infringement is intended
Notes: Written for prompt 95 at fma_fic_contest: Family.
( Three hours since dinner ended )