Я абсолютно не симпатизирую режиму в Северной Корее. Но если посмотреть на фото, корейский лидер выглядит значительно приятнее. Да и поступки его намного вменяемее, чем политика Обамы.
North Korea has described new sanctions imposed in response to a major cyber-attack against Sony Pictures as part of a hostile and inflammatory US policy.
The US placed sanctions on three North Korean organisations and 10 individuals after the FBI blamed Pyongyang for the cyber-attack.
North Korea praised the attack on Sony but denied any involvement in it.
It came as Sony was about to release The Interview, a comedy about a plot to assassinate North Korea's leader.
Sony initially cancelled plans to show the film, before deciding to release it online and at a limited number of cinemas.