Listening to Scherzo. WOW. DEEP. (It's an Eighth Doctor audio, fyi.) No, really. It's crazy but like I can't stop listening to it.
If you thought Ten/Rose was the OTP, you haven't heard Eight/Charley. SO MUCH DRAMA and yet... *sigh*
I mean, Eight, really, what are we going to do with you? Sometimes you know just what to say and then you go and say just the wrong thing to mess it all up and still I think you're adorable. I'm guessing Charley feels that way too. I'm thinking she's probably my fav companion ever, jsyk.
I made a new header from it too. lol. I'll probably change it later.
Also made a new wallpaper (not cutting it b/c I don't really feel like it. Sorry if it messes up your f-lists or something) :
It's not much either, just playing around with layers and erasing and stuff...If you want the actual thing, let me know, I'll upload it.
ANYWAY, it's late. I need sleep. I'll make a proper post at some point later in the week. =)
PS: Also wanted to mention, if Eight has no problem saying the L word (you know what I'm talking about, the whole "If this is my last chance to say it..." bit). What's Ten's deal with it? I mean, really. OMG, unless, it's something to do with Charley!! Okay, now I want to hear like all of the audios and see how it ends with her. That really has to be it. Don't tell me if it is though. I want to figure it out. lol.