
Jul 29, 2009 23:23

I was just rp-ing but it was winding down and I know that as soon as I get started on this someone will comment back to me but you know, whatever. They can wait for Jackie. lol. But really I'm just typing this until someone replies. over there.

Not much to talk about I just had some ~thoughts~.
I stopped following Martha Stewart on Twitter today because, well, actually because I was sitting there saying, "Why the heck am I following Martha Stewart on Twitter? Do I really care how to make salad dressing (or whateve it was she had tweeted about)? No."
I also stopped following I can has cheezeburger or whatever it is. I don't even really like lolcats that much anymore.

...AH, I WAS RIGHT! My email just popped up saying I had a comment from Harriet Jones. Yes, I know who she is. lol. Okay, that's never gonna get old I should go respond. In case you're not on brb_g, the Ninth Doctor and Captain Jack just blew a hole through Jackie's wall and then Harriet popped in with Indian food and Scotch. Interesting.

I'm going to get a tv for COLLEGE tomorrow. Idk why though. I mean, I don't even watch tv hardly. But everyone's all hyped up about I need to get a tv. Well, I will have cable so maybe I can catch BBCA or SyFy once in awhile, idk.

I'm thinking about changing my journal layout and stuff again, maybe switch out my icons. I'll let y'all know if and when I do.


twitter, college, brb_gallifrey, randomness, boredom, jackie tyler

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