Hi all! Quiz Bowl tomorrow. I'm pretty psyched but kind of nervous. I'd say wish us luck but idk that we want to win so...lol. If we win we can't go to the next round because this is supposed to be just like, you know, practice for us. =)
Tomorrow is also Valentine's Day. My eighteenth year of existence without a Valentine and the first year I actually kind of wanted one. bummer. But you know, whatever. Everyone was getting "Valentine Grams" today. They're fake roses that you couldbuy for a dollar and send to someone at the end of the day. Needless to say, I did not receive one. lol. It's cool though, it'd be kinda weird if I did get one. haha.
It's also Brittany's birthday tomorrow. I got her a card and I'm probably just going to give her $15 or something. It's tres impersonal, I know but I didn't have time to like make anything or get her a cake with a chiclet on it. haha. I wish more people I knew irl watched the Office, or Doctor Who for that matter. I'm waiting on the Series 3 finale to load. I'm super excited about that because that means I just have Series 4 left to watch and I'll be caught up. The only sad thing is that means after Series four there's only 4 more shows with Ten before he turns into an Edward Cullen wannabe. lol. Anyroad, I just wanted to make a quick post and let you all know what's going on. =)
Oh and I was given the letter P for a meme from
1.Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions
Here's a playlist of the songs. I hope it works. =)
Link if it doesn't show up properly.)
SeeqPod - Playable Search Tracks:
Please Mr. Postman - The Beatles
Photograph - Ringo Starr
Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones
Plastic Fantastic Lover - Jefferson Airplane
Paperback Writer - The Beatles
Pam Pong - Sweet Diss and the Comebacks