Mar 30, 2006 12:52
so ive noticed something lately. about the girls of my age, my generation. a girl i know that recently got married had this away message:
"i love my husband more than chocolate, pedicures and starbucks!"
i was not sure how to react to that. another girl i know got married in the middle of her college career, im not sure if shes going to go back. and i shouldnt judge, i mean, but im just confused. everyone is getting married so young, and so many girls that i know are giving up on their paths to, whatever they were originally gonna do, and marrying, and become fulltime wives. i can get the fulltime mom thing, bc kids are nuts :OP, but i digress. what about all the other things that we wanted to do? our careers? i have so many things that i want to do. im thinking of becoming a chef, yet a wedding coordinator sounds awesome too. i want to be able to have a husband someday, kids too yes, and a career, i want to be able to juggle these things and be completely flustered in my life with it, even if it is stressful. but there is no way that i can marry a guy that will make me give up on everything i want in life for marriage. and maybe these girls decided to stop college, etc, and all that by choice. and thats fine, but. i guess im just saying that i want more.
i think im on the right track as well. i mean, i have a great boyfriend that i love, yet we have our priorities. and even though i miss him sometimes when hes crazy working in the darkroom til 3am, i know its what he loves, and that makes me happy. just like when i have a shitload of work, jon knows to back off. i think we get along so well because of the space we give each other, and what attracts us to each other is our drive.
i hate that no matter what i say will offend someone here, but i dont mean any offense. im talking to my friend megan and she says everyone at her home is either married, engaged, or has a child. i dunno about anyone else, but my parents got married near thirties, i think jon's did too, as a matter of fact, a lot of parents i know did that. so what is our hurry? why do we think that we need to get married soon, or right now? what's wrong with long engagements? even if i do propose/get a proposal when im like 23-24, i want to have a long engagement, maybe 2-3 years. im gonna be 21 this year. so are most of the kids i know that are married. that means they couldnt even have a glass of champagne at their own wedding.
but theyre happy. one girl is going on 7 months of marriage, on girl on 3 months of marriage, and so far so good. all power to ya. i guess im just saying that its not for me. but i guess im writing this rant because, all these people around me are getting married at such a young age, of course it starts to make you feel that something is wrong with you because you do not want these things. is it wrong that im not ready? there are several reasons, one main one, why i believe that these people are getting married at such young ages, but ill refrain from mentioning it, because thatll just lead me on a political rant as well.
no one reads this anymore. livejournal seems to be dying out. but maybe thats a good thing. i dont want people to hate me. this is just my opinion. im not judging these people, its just that its happening so often and so fast around me, it makes a girl insecure. :O)