Everytime I go to take a photo or see something picture worthy I have an internal battle with myself. Do I stay in the moment and enjoy it for all that it is, or do I step out of the moment and document it by taking a photograph. My romantic desire to stay in the moment hampers my abilities as a photographer. I let so many beautiful and powerful images slip through my fingers so that I can stay fully in the moment and just appreciate it for all that it is ...without thoughts of composition, lighting, depth of field, shutter speed and all the other little bits of information that fly through your head when you are trying to figure out how best to capture an experience. So is photography really for me then if it causes such internal conflict. Should I find some other medium to express my love of life through? A new friend of mine told me I should consider being a writer, that way I can fully be in the moment and paint a mental picture in someones head later through writing. Experience and Documentation of a moment do not conflict. It seems like a valid solution to start writing more and see where it takes me but I still love visual arts...
Maybe I can make picturebooks of sorts with various collections of thoughts in written form connecting with the images.
Oh well, just something to ponder...