7akeo called again today and informed me that he'll be able to go to my gaming club this Friday. I haven't seen him in over a month. I doubt we'll play Exalted with all the o-week preparation going on but hopefully he'll be able to find ways that he can attend more often.
This morning I designed up some posters that my club will be handing out next week. Everything is pretty much set but I'm still having trouble figuring out what lessons I have in the first week. Currently it looks like all my classes will begin as soon as the study year commences.
A tenant is now moving into the room opposite mine. An aviation student from Canberra named Glen. There were quite a few people inspecting the room today but he was lucky that he was the first one and left a good impression on Miya.
I finished watching Moyashimon this afternoon. It's an interesting series and might be playlist worthy at AJAS.