Judge rules pharmacists may withhold Plan B.Um. Excuse me? What? I couldn't have heard that right. I'm sure Judge Ronald B. Leighton of the U.S. District Court in Tacoma actually meant to say "I am a giant douche." or "I-ay am-ay a iant-jay oosh-day." because, uh, dude, you're being a giant douche
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You know, I'm pretty sure it's against Barricade's religion to not run this guy over. Multiple times. And since we're all about religious tolerance here... :D
Also, I must agree that Astoria is awesome.
You are totally right. Totally, totally right. If that guy supports someone placing their religion over my health, then I fully support Barricade getting some punishing and/or enslaving all over his ass. >_o
She really is awesome. I think that might be my favourite episode so far.
ps. Um, I just want you to know that I absolutely love your characterization of Rodimus Prime.
pps. And your icon. *dies*
I think that might be my favourite episode so far.
Oh? You're working your way through them? *interested moogle is interested!*
ps. Aww, thank you. *beams* Although I'm sure Roddy would like it if I wrote him a little less emo. BUT I AM NOTHING IF NOT A STICKLER FOR CANON.
pps. Someone's been trying to get on MySpace again...
I'm very much enjoying it, but I can only handle so much brainmelt in one day, so it's going kind of slow. (I needed a few days to get over Triple Takeover's sheer amount of WHAAA?)
Any tips? =D
If you're of the ficwriting persuasion, have a notebook handy to write down random ideas as they come. I get some of my best ideas that way. ...Or if you're not, write them down anyway and use them to mercilessly prompt the writing communities. XD
Also, BEAST WARS. Have tissues.
I have now realized that it takes a special breed to handle the kind of sheer crack G1 produced. I have also realized that I am okay with not being that type of individual.
*shakes her head*
Oh, man. Beast Wars. We watched seasons two and three because it was just so amazing, but haven't seen most of season one yet.
But, oh, I adore it. I love the voices, I love the characters, I love Silverbolt and Blackarachnia, I love Dinobot, I love Megatron(, yesss), I love his stupid rubber duckie and his jacuzzi, and I even love the stupid fart jokes. That is such a great show. ♥
I have been warned that Beast Machines is much darker, but I will admit to high hopes for further character development goodness.
*flails* Beast Wars was my life in middle and high school, no joke. It was there through all the ups and downs of my adolescent trauma. I will always carry a torch for that show and everything about it. Including the stupid fart jokes. ^_^
I have to say I didn't much care for Beast Machines. The dark themes didn't bother me - they raised some interesting, fun-to-play-with issues - but the characters themselves were almost unrecognizable as their Beast Wars selves. The Vehicons are love, though.
...I think at this point friending you is a foregone conclusion, yes? ;P
Beast Wars is an excellent comfort show. There are episodes that I know will always make me feel better and just thinking about them is making me smile.
Aah, well. No show can be perfect.
I'm pretty sure not friending you would cause me to question my remaining sanity.
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