Links and more information on the current issues we are all experiencing with LiveJournal and SixApart:
CNET news article. Also see the reader post '
Stigmatising your own customer base'.
Generic feedback response (other individuals were sent the same message) from SA/LJ employee Carrie Stevens. (Who lied, there was no post later that evening in
It is
illegal to change an online contract (like the Terms of Service) without notifying customers. SixApart, take notice. We wouldn't want to see you in a class-action suit for being stupid, now would we?
liz_marcs says some things I don't agree with (artists who post smut on LJ are stupid) and a lot of things I do agree with (6A/LJ provide really
bad customer service). The comments on that entry (especially on page 2) are also interesting.
bubble_blunder has
an Open Letter to LiveJournal and Six Apart detailing exactly what we are so unhappy about and what we want clarified.
elle_torrence as written a guide to finding
literary merit, if you're wondering if a particular fanfic has any.
brad responds to
this article at Valleywag, a notorious gossip site (take the article with the appropriate grain of salt, but there are some truths to it). In the comments of
this post,
brad seems to indicate that LiveJournal is acting under legal advice. There is a
flocked post in
fandom_lawyers discussing this.
This is a little creepy, but apparently one of LJ's "improvements" has been to
completely remove all suspended user's posts and comments site-wide. Including posts made to communities and comments made to communities and private journals.
fandom_lawyers has a post talking about the
TOS and Abuse Policy and Fandom.
Ponderosa121 is making some very interesting, informative, and thought-provoking posts. I would highly recommend checking
her journal on a regular basis. Here are a few recent entries or things she's linked to:
Official response about the image she was suspended for.
Suspended users are still able to access locked entries.
Why not to lock adult-rated fan fiction.
cosmic_kath's hilarious Barak Berkowitz icon
shippo has made a
GreaseMonkey script to put the strikethrough back for suspended and deleted journals.