Last two Amazon packages arrived today.
Will now has Castlevania: Symphony of the Night which is OH MY GOD AWESOME HOLY CRAP. WHAT IS A MAN? A MISERABLE LITTLE PILE OF SECRETS!
I accidentally bought one of my Japanese History books twice, and today was the last day to get book refunds, so I ran in real quick and returned one and bought the other. So. Success.
CompUSA called while we were driving home! Laptop battery came in! It lasts longer than 8 minutes! Hallelujah!
Phoenix Wight: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations guaranteed release in USA! AWESOME! (More posts on same topic
here, which has screenshots, logo, and more trailer links if YouTube doesn't work, and
here, which links to the
press release! Woo hoo!)
Had a chiropractor appointment today, so my back and neck feel much better. There was also work on and taping of the wrists, but they are very very sore lately. This is probably weight training fault. But ibuprofin make less swollen. Not so great with the liver and kidneys, but I'm young and I don't take it every day. =D
I will nibble foods and be lazy. Mwahahaha.