May 14, 2006 00:15
I met the most loving wife and husband ever today. They are Darrel and Traci Love. Mr and Ms. love are homeless, and they were sitting on the curb outside my apartment trying to get money for a beer. but what words of the life they have lived! and despite all of their loss, with no regrets they spoke. These two truly are beautiful because they have done beautiful things.
Darrel told me that i was the first person who he could not guess what i was in school for. he recounted the multitude of correct guesses about others, yet he could not figure me out. he said he thought i was 22 as well. when told 22 was pretty close, he retorted that close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. according to him, the way i walked and talked was that of obscurity.
it is comforting to know that im not the only one who feels as lost about me at times. but even more comforting is knowing that love can exist for those that have suffered such loss in life.
Hats off to the Loves, and may they get the beer they are looking for.