Oct 19, 2013 08:43
show discussion. No spoilers
I think I see what Lenkov is trying to do with the show. He’s not getting rid of Steve/Danny because he knows too many people love them. What he’s doing is making Steve/Danny the comic relief of the show. They’ll have the odd dramatic scene together maybe one dramatic episode, but basically they are the light-hearted portion of the show. The real meat of the show, the real emotional stuff will be Steve/Cath. That’s where we’ll see the angst and drama.
Sure, Scott will have a dramatic episode to appease him and us. But for this season, and if by some miracle the show survives, from here on in, TPTB are trying to slowly make the show based heavily on the Steve/Cath romance and relationship and move us carefully away from the meaty Steve/Danno stuff. They want us to understand that while Danny might be Steve’s partner and the source of Steve’s amusement, Cath is his rock, the love of his life, the person who makes his life worthwhile.
Even the episodes with Danny’s mom are going to be mostly humour with her telling Steve and the others a lot of embarrassing things about Danny’s childhood. This will help cement the view of Danny as the goofy but amiable clown of the show.
As the show carries on, especially towards the end of last season and now this season, Danny is becoming portrayed as a fairly competent cop and a loving father but most importantly he’s a loyal, unquestioning, unthinking follower of Steve. Where Steve leads, Danny is trailing along at his heels like a well-trained dog. Steve is the hero and the romantic lead, Danny is the clown.
my thoughts,
opinion piece,