Episode discussion: 3x22 My Thoughts SPOILERS

May 06, 2013 18:24

My thoughts on 3x22
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Spoilers: oh definitely
Summary: Just my thoughts on 3x22

My thoughts on 3x22

• Kono really is very stupid. Did she really think she’d there would be no backlash from dating the head of the Yakuza? I resent them making her such a moron.
• I guess Cath is going to be in every episode from now on. I can only assume her role will grow in season 4.
• Cath is lying to Steve again. Interesting. Quite the relationship they have.
• Cath in a bikini again. What is this the fifth time this season? Enough already.
• If they were going to tease Steve about having short hair why didn’t they do that in the last episode?
• The whole “Danny turning in his badge” thing was bullshit. I feel deliberately misled. This idea would have made for such a great season finale for Danny but I’m sure as usual his will be weak.
• Every emotional Danny episode revolves around him being a dad. I wish they’d go in another direction with his character just once. I love Daddy Danno but sometimes I’d like to see something else.
• It was fun seeing Grace doing cheerleading when Teilor is into it in such a big way.
• Speaking of Teilor, she’s very sweet and I love her but she is not a natural actress nor do I think she ever will be but she keeps trying anyway.
• The episode held together story-wise pretty well anyway. That’s new.
• Just because Danny physically handed his badge to Steve doesn’t mean he can’t be charged for assaulting the suspect.
• It kind of bothers me that Danny is becoming more like Steve, using violence to solve the cases. I hope they’ve got other evidence on the guy because there’s no way his confession gained after he was beaten is going to hold up in court. I did enjoy Steve having to pull Danny off the guy.
• It was an alright episode for the most part. Just not what I’d hoped.

my thoughts, spoiler, discussion

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