Oct 03, 2007 05:21
Funniest things from yesterday left my laughing so hard I thought my stomach would rupture.
Monday night I worked from 11pm to 7am Tuesday morning with the plan to head off to Long and Mcquade Tuesday around 10ish. Somewhere around 8ish I got a call from mom, "hi you called me" Me: "uh...no...noooo i didn't..lol"
Mom: "oh...are you sure?..welldid you txt me?" Me: "not...in the last few days." Mom: "oh..must have been an old message."
So then I asked what she was doing today (Tues), to which the reply was, "comming in to take stef to yadda yadda bluh bluh bluh."
So Iiii thought...well let's all hook up then this morning cuz I need to go to L+M anyways. So we met here at my place around whatever time. Then me and mum decided to play yatzey(spll?) after taking stef back to work. Before taking stef back to work we went to Subway and stef and mom were talking about the gym. Mom says, "when I loose 10 pounds I'm gonna treat myself."
my responce: "to what? A bowl of ice cream lol?" Mom laughs and stef snickers and mom says "NO! It has to be something non edable...lol."
Then out of the blue came the idea to mom quite sarcasticly.."Like DOG SHIT! I'll go buy some dog shit." Well a combination of the complete randomness of that comment and the high level of sarcasm sent me into stitches..."Yeah..lol..DOG SHIT!! You don't have any of THAT..lol..."
Well I swear stef mum and I were laughing so hard for the next 10 minutes I thought I may explode.
Then when we were playing yatzey and I was needing a realy good roll...I was rolling the dice forever and started laughing at the previous comment about the dog shit and the ice-cream, mom comes up with ANOTHER coment which I think I'll steal and use many times to come.. "yeah yeah....ha ha...chuckle on.....SHAKKA CAUN!!!"
ok that's all....