Jumping Jupitar I've got... sex apeal...?

Sep 06, 2007 11:40

It's been quite some time since I've written anything worth reading here on LJ. Actually it's been quite some time since I've written anything worth WRITING. Perhaps because I've had nothing to write about, or maybe...because I was searching for the perfect preface (or possably tucked in). In all my reading I've noticed one thing about each and every book I read no matter how the content differs, that all begin with one thing. A great preface. And so here I offer you mine:

The say that the spring time is when a young man's heart turns to things of fancy, ie the opposite sex, the farer of the species, lady folk. Well in my 23 years of life, aproxamatly 23 spring times, 23 summers, falls and winters, I'm no mathamatition by any stroke of the amagination so i say again aprxamatly, I have only found love twice. That's less then the times I use the toilet in a single half day. It could be that I keep my heart guarded, it could be that I am extremely picky. I can count all of 3 girls who I would consider worthy of my time in any romantic manore, and yet I'm holding out for perhaps one. Sometimes I begin to wonder, aqm I destined to repeate the same pattern over and over time and again? Find a girl, find love, date, then loose her? And so at times I wonder if I'm even a specimen worth the atention of someone special whome I would give the time to. Well I had begun to doubt...untill this morning.

Thus ending my preface and here my story begins.

I've been working at 7-11 (shudder) for the last few weeks which I'll continue to do untill I can convince the apropriate people to hire me in their studio or music school. I work nights and therefor my sleep pattern is backwards from most of the people I know. I finish work at 6 and usually am asleep by 12 or 1 at the latest. This morning I made a trip to the mall to pay for my frames that I had set aside at Pearl Vission so i can have a nice new pair of glasses in a few short weeks. After the mall I decided to make a trip to B.K on the way home for some lunch and then bed shortly after. After ordering my meal 'to go' I grabbed 4 B.K paper crowns with the idea that thye could ad nicely to some band photo props come the 22nd.

As I grabbed one, then two...then 3 and 4 the manager who looked to be in her 40's called over to me from the other side of the dinning room and said quite friendily "Take as many as you want, go ahead."

I replied in an equally friendly manore with, "Oh I will thanks, actually I just need 4."
"you have four kids?" She asked?

"No" I chuckled, "I'm in a band with four bandmates and we have band photos right away."

As I was almost out the door she said to me again this time in a quite flirtatious manore, "well you'll look better then this guy up on the wall," as she pointed to the 'Burger King'.

Never missing a beat I answered back with, "Yeah well thanks I tend to think I look quite a bit better then THAT mug."

She chuckled and said again...flirtatiously, "well we should have YOUR picture up here. Come on over honey I'll paint ya."

I answered just as quick, "How much am I getting paid for this?"

To which she grinned and said, "come on over I'll pay you later honey."

To which I chuckled and exited the building with a friendly "Alrighty, have a good one."

So, there ya have it. Even if I'm destined to repeate the same circle of finding, having, loosing.....at least the old woman I meet think I'm something hot.

Cheers thanks for reading, I hope you laughed as hard reading this as I did experiencing it.
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