
Mar 19, 2007 16:24

Ok here's a story.

Today is Monday. From Wednesday to Sunday I have been at the Sydney Arena helping out (serving) at Color Your World Woman's conference. I must say there is some truely great sessions and speakers at these things. I was serving at it last year two and heard some of the sessions during my breaks or whatever. I have been waking up at 5:00 each morning to jump the bus to the arena at 6:00am to get there for my call time at 7:00. I was once again (3 conferences in a row) working for the Hillsong Marketing Department. Selling Color Your World Merchandise. This includes hats, shirts, stickers, buttons, sandles, etc. I was on location from 7 am to 11:30pm each day. Needless to say today was my 'do nothing' day. I slept in, then cleaned my room, Don called, then I layed music with Zac and Andy.

Ok here's where the real fun begins. If anyone reading this has been to Australia before you KNOW the beauty of a Lemon Lime Bitter. The BEST non alcoholic drink around. After drumming my face off...then putting it back on because I DO STILL have a face after all, I decided (remembered) to get my Lemon Lime bitter out of the freezer. I was curious if it had frozen but hoped it hadn't. I opened the freezer door and saw it was QUITE frozen. I walked it back to the garage and proceded to open this yummy refreshing drink only to find Mount Everest exploading right in front of me, all over my cloths, on the floor and on some guitar gear. Aperintly frozen drinks expload if you open them. So...after cleaning that up....I laughed...the End.
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