Jan 10, 2007 06:42
Ok so the thing about moving into a new house is that untill you get settled in and put decorations up, it's just four walls and a roof. Well what I have to say has nothing to do with walls, or roofs, or houses for that matter. I simply wished to state something painfully obvious.
Tonight could have easily been one of those nights that comes, and then goes just as quickly. It could have been one of those painfully boring nights where a person lays awake in bed not sleeping yet not really energized enough to be considered awake. I could have layed there in my bed for several hours with a blank expression on my face as I gazed pointlessly at the white cealing of my garage/bedroom. The cealing had always been white. Why would my consistent gocking change that? As if by some random stroke of luck, or fate or perhaps the right time in the universal history when the planets would align maybe, just maybe the color could change. No such luck was had this evening.
The idea hit me like this proverbial ton of bricks that everyone seems to know so much about. "Get the hell out of bed idiot, it's not like your sleeping," So I got up. I got up out of my bed, not like it's comfortable anyways, and I walked to my computer. I sat down in my chair in front of my computer. I put on my glasses and I looked at my computer. There was no one on msn, no new e-mails, no new live journals to look at. So I sat there, stairing at my computer. At least I wasn't in bed gocking at the white cealing. I decided to send out an e-mail which I was pleased provided me a few moments of time killing. I sent an e-mail to Mitch and low and behold a reply came prompty. I replied to his reply. He replied. I replied back. Then I decided to fix up my myspace profile. This ladies and gents is where the illistration of the house becomes crutial.
Call it trivial, call it un important, but for once my myspace profile is complete. If myspace was a house, it is now a home.
I went though my iTunes looking for something to pick me up and energize me. I figured, who better then Billy Joel. I found "For The Longest Time". I played this song on repeate several times. i would say twice. Maybe even 5 times. I found myself suddenly transformed from being in a state of autopilate tiredness to "OH MY WORD I'M SO HAPPY AND ALIVE AND FULL OF BOUNCE!" I believe I had entered a state knows as giddyness. Giddyness is a dangerous condition on it's own, but can become fatel when mixed with friends of the 'best' type and instant, excited conversations about worship, heroes, and bottle rockets. Mitch tells me he found the myspace of one Ric Leaf. Now if you have no idea who that is fine. If you have no idea what this man means to me, fine. All I can say is that there are two majore influences in my life as far as music and justice: Bono...yeah yeah we know we could have guessed that, good then shut up and keep reading, and Rick Leaf. This man is the reason I dreaded my hair. When I was in grade 7, 8, and 9 I used to go to the Vinyard in the North end of Winnipeg each Sunday night for worship which was lead by Rick Leaf, David Ruis, Kim Johnson (now McMechan) and sometimes Andrew Smith. Rik used to have dread locks down past his shoulders, wair combat boots and army pants. Now he's indie. Other then work on The Mystery project Kede-r, I had been wondering for quite some time what he had been up to. I had no way of finding out and really never thought of searching myspace for the old Vinyard crew. I found them all...through Mitch. You can't even imagine how excited this made me. You don't even know. Shut up, you don't even know.
I wonder, would I have experienced all this fun and excitement and completely spontanious combustion of conversatio with Mitch had I been in bed stairing at the cealing? I wonder, But I think the answer is "no".