this is just a trial run.
ps. i hate live journal
ok nevermind that stuff. okkkk i think i finaly worked this picture gig out. uhh... pics are super freakishly large. o guna take what i get. thanks for your help LJ HERO.
quick update...yesterday was andrew's birthday :). woke him up ( for the forth time that day) there was ballons with cooool sayings. we painted a cat-dog with green and purple collars. went horseback riddding on pete and windy...lead by a nine year old brandy. andrew was mean and told her to speak up! (haha, dont try to blame it on "i'm to cool to wear a helmet" behind you). then we got new shoesss...and i split half way for a hot red shirt for the steady. andrew's nice friend brittney made us wonderful pizza...and we watched the big bounce with 3muskaaatteerrss. side note-how did we forget about cheese itz and dr.pepers in the car? i had a great time, hope the seventeen year old boy did too. still leagle until november.
dear charly-
the end was my favorite part. leaving the keys in the car really pulled through.
-love me
tooooooonight is Janie Nancy and Margret!!!! its looking like dinner and night at Em's. i am so happy i am haning out with the "original crew"(lol torie). they are good company.
Wanda Ann.... 2 more days. love you love you. never ever stop amazing me. and you don't even know how you do it.
the loves from