Dec 29, 2004 02:53
I watch the minutes pass, staring at the screen. I'm thinking... Waiting for a miracle, that I know will never come. I sit and wonder why I can't sleep. It's pushing 3 am and I still feel the same, granted I'm numb, so nothing really changes. I see glimpses of my life right before me, past memories of careless after noon’s, and then the day. The day it all slipped away. It rained that day, just like today. I thought it Ironic that it rained on that particular day though, seeing how my life was forever changed... All I know is, I was never the same.
I think about that strange day whenever it rains, I think about many things. I think about my friend, we both have this strange connection in our feelings towards rainy days. We both feel as if the world is crying. I don't know why the world cries, but maybe it has to do w/ the hatred and destruction of everything. I don't blame it, because we live in a cynical and cruel world, where the near hate would be enough to drive anyone mad.
Anyways, I feel at my weakest on rainy days. However, at the same time I feel whole, I guess it's because I get a reminder that she is near, as strange as it sounds.
It's pouring now and I feel like the world knows exactly how I’m feeling. I Wish she were here to hold me... I wish for anyone right now to hold me. Would you come hold me, and make me feel loved, and un-lonely?
Don't leave me here to stare mindlessly at the screen. Please... hold me.