Nov 08, 2005 19:06
Well, they have found a pre-adoptive home for the little 4 year old. He has only been living in my home for 3 weeks, was in foster care 1 1/2 years before that, than in a pre-adoptive home for 3 weeks but it didn't work out so that is when he came here.
His worker is picking him up on Thursday, and it should be a permenent move. I asked the worker about preparing the little guy for this move. He said I could mention it to him, but he (the worker) will talk to him more in depth on Thursday.
So, what should I do? Should I talk to him about moving again, and when should I bring it up? I would like to speak with the little guy tomorrow to help prepare him for the move. Yet I worry that he may start acting out, because who wouldn't be anxious and upset about moving again? Part of me wants to wait until Thursday morning to tell him.
I know it is difficult for young children to understand the concept of time, although he does seem to understand 'tomorrow'. Is it fair to upset him the day before, and perhaps cause him worry. Or is it fair for me to postpone telling him? Part of my reason is selfish - we haven't been having much problems with his behavior but he can be difficult to handle at times.
He deserves to know, it is just a question of when do I tell him. Any advice?
He has been really busy and upset our whole routine, but I will miss him.