Dec 16, 2008 23:30
once again the time of year is upon us.
that's right, tomorrow is
and as with last year, we have a new Schvevan's day carol, this one to the tune of "here comes santa claus"
here comes schvevan's day!
here comes schvevan's day!
so eat some schvevan's day cake!
egg plant nog and alligator cubes
and potatoes we have baked!
smells are lingering, the miser's flinging
coins shiny and bright
hold out your hands and catch some gold
'cause Schvevan's redeemed tonight!
here comes schvevan's day!
here comes schvevan's day!
so eat some schvevan's day cake!
schvevan's soul was cleaned by the seven
and he's neutral good again.
the bobby the sailor the sweeps and the pugilist
who's always ready for a fight
the mayor and the young newsboy
all helped redeem schvevan tonight!